Somewhere in a warzone. Three young stationed soldiers try to distract themselves from everyday wartime existence. One of them takes notice of a local girl. The comrades follow her...
How to show the mechanism of war in a few minutes? The story tells just a minor incidence among the cruelties of war which you wouldn’t even find in the newspapers. But it hits the point of how people’s characters change within an inhumane environment where people separate into villains or victims and encounter each other as enemys or objects. And amidst the destruction it implies the hope that people may wake up and begin to see each other as persons with a history again.
I DON’T FEEL LIKE DANCING started as submission for the Cinema for Peace shortfilm competition „Movies that matter“. With their concept Evi Goldbrunner and Joachim Dollhopf won the „Cinema for Peace Talent Award 2007“ which allowed them to finance their film.
HFF 2008 l 7 min. l colour l fiction
35mm l 224 m l 1:1.85 l 25 fps l Dolby Digital 5.1